Solar Energy Predictions for 2013

1. Module prices will continue a gradual decline by another 5-10% in 2013.  That means that the average first customer price will be in the neighborhood of $0.60/watt — with many manufacturers selling in the mid to low $0.50.  There is no chance of prices going up in 2013.  By the end of the year you’ll be able to get two solar modules at the checkout register of your local dollar stores.

2. The game of Chinese Checkers will continue as the big solar manufacturers jump over the smaller companies and absorb their capacity.  Modules are commodities distinguished by balance sheets — not minor incremental performance differences.  Unfortunately, government support of manufacturers (of which almost all countries are guilty) distorts the reality of these balance sheets.  Small manufacturers will just roll their marbles off the board and disappear in dusty cracks in the sofa — and half a billion dollars worth of mothballed solar manufacturing equipment will clutter the back alleys of Asian tourist markets. Weak module companies will merge with other weak companies or just disappear. 
There will be no meaningful acquisitions of module companies (except by state run enterprises) since no one wants the warranty liability from the installed base.  Valuable technology and equipment will be sold for pennies on the dollar or cauterized through bankruptcy.  The net effect on worldwide capacity will not be enough to increase ASPs, just stabilize the rate of decline.  This eventual consolidation will set the industry up for 5-10% profits to be made on commodity module manufacturing sometime in the 2015 or 2016 timeframe.

3. Module manufacturers will continue their downstream diversification efforts in order to find customers for their production.  Inevitably, their balance sheets will be consumed by their need to provide financing for projects using their own products.  But these projects are not profitable enough or fast enough to kick off sufficient cash for rapid growth.  So in total, he who has the biggest balance sheet has the best chance for success in this downstream project business.

4. Inverter prices will also continue to coast down another 5-10%.  China is a manufacturing freight train, and its next stop is inverters.  Once again, bad news for inverter company profits, good news for customers, mixed news for installers and EPC companies (see below), and challenging news for inverter company M&A.

5. Large and medium scale EPC/installers will leave the market, go out of business or change business models.  They are valued by their pipeline, not their historic revenue (because historic revenue comes with future performance liabilities).  Profits for EPC companies and installers get severely squeezed when ASPs go down.  At a 25% gross margin and $8/watt ASP, there is $2 to cover soft costs and direct labor; one can operate a viable business.  But when ASPs go down to $4, there is only $1 to cover these costs — not enough to be profitable when the soft costs are stuck at about $1.50.  Without creative accounting, the larger you get the more money you lose; it’s an inherently localized business.  These negative economies of scale are born out by the financial trends of every single publicly traded EPC/installation company.

6. Climate change legislation will be kicked around and posited as the solution to the looming worldwide climate catastrophe.  But nothing comprehensive will happen in the U.S. because the catastrophe is too far off.  I hope I am wrong, but we are already two disasters past Hurricane Sandy — the most compelling U.S. climate change manifestation to date.  Instead, the U.S. Congress will approve bipartisan incremental policies targeted towards enabling new sources of solar financing such as MLPs and REITs.

7. Utilities and other incumbent energy suppliers will intensify their all-out war on DG solar, deploying every dirty trick in the book.  Of course, we all know that “solar is expensive, unless managed by your friendly local utility.”  NOT.  Net metering will be attacked everywhere in a consolidated, coordinated effort.  The solar industry will remain conflicted about taking a strong net metering position, since although half the industry makes cheap electricity for DG customers, the other half sells products and services to utilities.  The big lie that net metering is a cost shift from rich people to poor people will continue.  White papers and esteemed research will be published confirming both opposing points of view, while states and PUCs kick the can down the road stalling for conclusive research while their retirement beckons. 

8. Soft costs will continue to increase as a percentage of system costs — just like we’ve experienced over the past three years.  Ouch.  Paperwork and bureaucracy is not easily reduced for two reasons.  First, incumbent energy providers will redouble their efforts to increase solar costs in every jurisdiction that they can influence; paperwork and bureaucracy in the name of “safety” is an easy way to accomplish this goal.  Second, there are thousands of solar paperwork service providers all over the country — from incentive administrators to software developers to utility interconnection managers — who are employed solely to approve and reject solar paperwork.  So without a national-scale effort, localized soft cost reduction efforts will be a drop in the bucket.

9. More residential financing companies and products will become available to homeowners, building on the sales ramp successes of SolarCity, SunRun, Sungevity and others.  The economics of rooftop solar will keep getting better, but ordinary installers and EPC companies will continue to struggle.  Whether commercial or residential, the Golden Rule applies to solar financing: he who has the gold makes the rules.

10. Solar trade shows will consolidate.  There are not enough profitable module, inverter and racking companies to fill committed exhibit halls.  Marketing dollars paid by China, Inc. will end for all but the biggest manufacturers.  Luckily, the remaining shows will be profitable and well attended.  By 2018 the entire renewable energy industry — solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, smart grid — will hold their annual show in Vegas, just like Comdex in the ‘80s.

Total BIPV System Capacity to Quintuple by 2017

Both the building industry, which is still plagued by low housing starts and new builds, and the global solar industry, which is facing severe reductions in financial subsidies in key markets, have been under stress in recent years. The emergent market for Building Integrated Photo Voltaics (BIPV) offers a new way to develop revenue streams for these two industries. According to a recent report from Pike Research, a part of Navigant’s Energy Practice, the total capacity of BIPV systems worldwide will grow from just over 400 megawatts (MW) in 2012 to 2,250 MW in 2017, a more than five-fold increase.

“The growing availability of energy-efficient, flexible, and transparent solar materials is transforming the way that architects and building engineers view, and use, photovoltaic systems”

The annual value of the BIPV market will quadruple over the next five years, growing from $606 million in 2012 to more than $2.4 billion in 2017, the study concludes.

“The growing availability of energy-efficient, flexible, and transparent solar materials is transforming the way that architects and building engineers view, and use, photovoltaic systems,” says research director Kerry-Ann Adamson. “In the future, BIPV will no longer be confined to spandrels or overhead applications. Rather, the entire building envelope will be able to put it to use, allowing the structure to produce its own power and feed additional power into the grid system.”

Going into 2013, the BIPV market will open up more as it rebounds from the great solar depression and several long-term projects hit the market, according to the report. An increasing number of players in the supply chain are working together to provide solutions for the entire building envelope. Among the most important next steps for the industry is the development of finished solar modules made by continuous production from PV rolls. Developing the ability to print the PV coating directly on to steel roof cladding will enable the modules to be produced in large volumes, cost-effectively.

The report, “Building Integrated Photovoltaics,” examines the expanding global markets for BIPV and Building Applied Photo Voltaics (BAPV) including a comprehensive analysis of demand drivers and economics, technology issues, and key industry players. The report includes detailed profiles of 53 companies in the sector as well as a detailed review of current government policies and financial incentives. Forecasts for worldwide BIPV/BAPV capacity by world region and by technology, along with forecasts of wholesale market revenues, are provided through 2017. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Pike Research website.

About Pike Research

Pike Research, which joined Navigant’s global Energy Practice on July 1, 2012, provides in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets. The team’s research methodology combines supply-side industry analysis, end-user primary research and demand assessment, and deep examination of technology trends to provide a comprehensive view of the Smart Energy, Smart Utilities, Smart Transportation, Smart Industry, and Smart Buildings sectors. 

About Navigant

Navigant (NYSE: NCI) is a specialized, global expert services firm dedicated to assisting clients in creating and protecting value in the face of critical business risks and opportunities. Through senior level engagement with clients, Navigant professionals combine technical expertise in Disputes and Investigations, Economics, Financial Advisory and Management Consulting, with business pragmatism in the highly regulated Construction, Energy, Financial Services and Healthcare industries to support clients in addressing their most critical business needs.

NREL and LBNL reports on PV system pricing

On December 4th, 2012 the US Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL, Golden, Colorado, US) and DOE's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL, Berkeley, California, US) jointly released two reports looking at solar photovoltaic (PV) pricing in the United States. 

The first report looks at historical progress for PV price reductions, as well as providing future projections, finding that system prices are likely to continue to fall through 2012 and into 2013. 

The second report looks at the components of "soft" costs for PV systems.

"There is often confusion when interpreting estimates of PV system prices," said NREL Solar Technology Financial Analyst David Feldman. 

"This report helps to clarify this confusion by bringing together data from a number of different sources and clearly distinguishing among past, current and near-term projected estimates."

PV prices tracked against SunShot goal:

"Photovoltaic (PV) pricing trends: historical, recent and near-term projections" looks at progress in price reduction in relation to the goals of the DOE's SunShot program to reduce the installed cost of PV systems by roughly 75% between 2010 and 2020. This report indicates that while data sources, assumptions and methods differ between the bottom-up analysis and the reported price analysis, the results support the validity of both analyses. The report draws on multiple ongoing NREL research activities.

Presentation of DOE analysis on soft cost:

The second report, "Benchmarking non-hardware balance of system (soft) costs for US photovoltaic systems using a data-driven analysis from PV installer survey results", presents results from the first DOE-sponsored data collection and analysis of such costs. 

The report finds that these costs made up 40-50% of residential and commercial US PV prices in 2010. The study benchmarks four particular categories of soft costs, looking at customer acquisition, permitting, inspection and interconnection, installation labor, and labor associated with arranging third-party financing.
NREL and LBNL found that these costs alone comprised 23% of residential PV system prices, 17% of small commercial system prices and 5% of large commercial system prices.