Call for Papers

The PVSC is a technical conference dedicated to the science and application of photovoltaics for solar electricity generation. Technical Program Areas: 1. Fundamentals and New Concepts for Future Technologies 2. Thin Film Polycrystalline Photovoltaics 3. III-V and Concentrator Technologies 4. Crystalline Silicon Technologies 5. Thin Film Silicon Based PV Technologies 6. Organic Photovoltaics 7. Space Technologies 8. Characterization and Measurement Methods 9. PV Modules and Manufacturing 10. PV Systems and Applications 11. PV Velocity Forum. For further details, please download Call for Papers

2014 IEEE Northwest Energy System Symposium (NWESS) 

The intent of the Northwest Energy System Symposium is to provide a 2-day program to educate and train engineers and others about emerging technologies in Renewable Energy, Smart Grid and End-use Energy Applications. The two-day symposium focuses on a wide range of topics and provides information on how to best address some of the most pressing energy issues facing the industry. For further details, please download Call for Papers

2014 International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG)

Green building and smart-grid technologies, Power electronics for energy saving, Intelligent and green power-electronic devices and systems, Green energy and smart grid for buildings, Status and developments of green buildings and smart-grids (in Taiwan and elsewhere), Intelligent and green lighting technologies, Electric vehicles and components, Renewable energy research and applications, Building and home communication technologies, Building management and maintenance operation networks, Ubiquitous building/home network access: technologies, applications, standards, Smart multifunction telephony: merging of TV, phone, and Web services, In-building power-line communications, Intelligent building/home optical and wireless technologies, e-Applications and related technology, Bio-electronic devices and systems for remote safety and health monitoring, Distributed home multimedia and entertainment, Building and home security and safety systems. For further details, please download Call for Papers

2014 5th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC)

Wind Energy Photovoltaic Energy Solar Thermal Energy Hybrid Energy Biomass Energy Hydraulic Energy Nuclear Energy Hydrogen Energy Sustainability Environment Materials and technologies Smart grids Energy storage Energy transfer Modeling and simulation Policies and regulation Optimization Energy saving Energy management Instrumentation and Control Prediction and forecast System sizing Energy Efficiency Fuel cells. For further details, please download Call for Papers


2014 Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE)

'PESTSE 2014' aims to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, industrial professionals and students to exchange and share their research accomplishments, achievements, and new ideas on the contemporary and emerging trends in power & energy systems, this will enable them to arrive at new techniques not only to enhance power & energy but also work towards sustaining it. For further details, please download Call for Papers


2014 International Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies (ICAECT)

Most national energy policies worldwide aim at ensuring an energy portfolio that supports a cleaner environment and stronger economy and that strengthens national security by providing a stable, diverse, domestic energy supply. Clean energy is a global and urgent imperative. Hybrid energy systems and smart grid concepts are critical technologies needed to address global warming and related issues. The smart grid an evolution of electricity networks toward greater reliance on communications, computation, and control. The key challenge is to reduce the cost of renewable energies to affordable levels. Control and related technologies will be essential for solving these complex problems. In this context this conference addresses the issues and challenges of dynamics, control and optimization of energy systems . This provides a better platform for academicians, industry participants , researchers and scientists to come together and share their experience to meet the future challenges. For further details, please download Call for Papers

2014 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET)

The scale of the problem of Green House Gas (GHG) emission has been taken seriously by most of the developed nations specially after Kyoto Protocol and Cancun Conference. Promotion of Renewable Energy (RE) and adoption of enhanced efficiency at every stage has been envisaged. Both developed and developing world are taking equally optimistic approach towards popularizing RE technologies and working jointly to make this world livable for our next generation. With this backdrop, United International University is going to organize the 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology, ICDRET 2014, on January 9-11, 2014 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. Like the previous ICDRETs, we expect participation from all tiers of RE sector to make the conference a useful forum for sharing experiences, exchanging the views and helping to forge a long lasting bondage between the academia, industry and the people involve in the dissemination of the technology at all levels. For further details, please download Call for Papers

2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy (ICRESE)

ICRESE-13 Address energy use and supply including energy security, access and availability and reliability of power, affordability and pricing of power, as well as efficiency and environmental concerns. These issues will be discussed through interaction with technical experts, bringing together representatives of all those involved in the supply, distribution, consumption, business sectors, academia, government, and civil. This conference will also explore the emerging trends in the Power system restructuring, the use of modern communications and control technologies. For further details, please download Call for Papers


2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT)

Rising demand for and consumption of conventional-fueled energies despite fast depletion of the resources have encouraged development of renewable energy: solar, wind, rain, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy is not only environment-friendly but can be made more accessible to rural and remote areas, increasing their development potential. Green-energy technologies are modern-day solutions to the problems of conventional energy generation. Their development is a continuous effort that must be shared among those directly involved. For further details, please download Call for Papers 

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