Indian Solar Plans - 2022

The Union Minister of New and Renewable Energy, Dr. Farooq Abdulla, informed the Rajya Sabha in a written reply that under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) India is to create a capacity for generation of 1100 MW of grid connected solar power by 2013 and 20,000 MW by 2022. The overall investment may be approximately $40 billion for 20,000 MW of solar power projects. The current installed generation capacity of India is 205340.26 MW which includes 24832.68 MW generated through renewable energy sources. JNNSM aims at achieving 20,000 MW by 2022 thereby it will then constitute one-tenth of India's current installed power base. The total installed capacity in the country is likely to be more than 400 GW by 2022. Installed solar capacity then would be one-twentieth of the then India's total installed capacity. The share of renewable and particularly solar in country's energy mix would keep increasing and would certainly help in limiting reliance on coal and easing the power deficit. The Minister further said that against a target of 1100 MW of grid connected solar power by 2013, 1030 MW of solar power projects have been commissioned and connected to grid, these are under both Central and State initiatives.

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